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PRESSURE SENSOR LIMITED take part in China Hi-Tech Fair Elexcon2012

2012年11月16日-21日,深圳会展中心2号馆 PRESSURE SENSOR LIMITED 携压力传感器PSC系列产品亮相第十四届深圳高交会电子展。

开展当天,人潮涌动,PRESSURE SENSOR LIMITED的展位上聚集了观众。PRESSURE SENSOR LIMITE的工业传感器产品和基于传感技术的消费电子产品,以新颖的外形及其优越的性能吸足了观众的眼球。

在智能化的时代,传感器已成为这一行业不可少的重要组成部分,传感器将引领整个工业及民用领取快速前进,它将会改变人类的生活。未来,PRESSURE SENSOR LIMITED公司将会在带来更多的高新高科技产品,在更加多元化、专业性的行业展会上展现亮丽风采!

PRESSURE SENSOR LIMITED pressure sensors products take part in the 14th China Shenzhen Hi-Tech Fair Elexcon 2012 on 16th~21st Nov.

A lot of visitors take part in this show. PRESSURE SENSOR LIMITED precision pressure sensor products and novel sensor technology based consumer products with extremely performances are deeply attracted the eyes of visitors.

In the era of intelligence, the sensors have become the industry part and parcel of important component, sensors will lead the whole industry and civil get fast progress, and it will change the human's life. In the future, PRESSURE SENSOR LIMITED company will bring in more new high-tech products, we will take part in the more diversified and professional industry exhibition to show our beautiful style!

Pressure Sensor Limited Booth 1

Pressure Sensor Limited Booth 2

Pressure Sensor Limited Booth 3

Standard pressure sensor products

Sensors technology based consumer products