Model PSC614

Model PSC614
Wet/Wet Differential Pressure Sensor Module
Product Description & Operation
The PSC614 is a stainless steel isolated true wet/wet delta
pressure sensor module. The integral silicon pressure die is isolated
through the use of silicon oil and stainless diaphragms. All parts in
contact with the wetted media are made from 316L stainless steel.
The DPSM is designed for rugged OEM applications where
performance, stability and accuracy are demanded at a reasonable
price. The sensor module is constructed in a standard 3/4〞static
O-ring format to ease design into the target transmitter assembly.
The standard configuration of the sensor module is in its basic
uncompensated mode. The sensor with external electronics such as
a sensor specific correction ASIC or microcontroller can be
compensated to better than+/-1% TEB.
Pressure Sensor Limited.